Apa iya bulan ini jadi bulan patah hati? broken heart month??
Secara ya.. udah ada beberapa temanku yang curhat kalo mereka lagi patah hati sama pacarnya masing2. Lho.. how come?? 1 persatu aku dengar masalahnya.. rata2 sih problemnya sama semua. dikhianatin pacarnya atau bertepuk sebelah tangan. Ckckckck.. I'm sorry to hear that my friends. Sebagai teman yang baik ya aku nerima aja curhatan mereka, bahkan give them solution and my sugestion. Cieee serasa jadi tempat konsultasi aja, padahal bukan lulusan psychology lho :p.
Talking2 tentang broken heart.. jangan ditanya deh apa aku pernah ngalamin? hehehe ya pernah lah. Sama siapa? ada deeeeh. Hanya aku, God n my best friend yang tau. Gimana rasanya patah hati? bodoh banget sih kalo ada yang nanya gini, atau ada yang nanya mending mana sakit hati atau sakit gigi? yah dua2nya aku pernah ngalamin kali. Jawabannya adalah.... SAKIT MINTA AMPUN!!! hehehe minjem judul lagunya Mulan feat Dewi2. Tapi..tapi nih dua2nya bisa disembuhin kok. Kalo sakit gigi ya pergi ke dokter gigi ( ya iyalah masi pergi ke dokter mata?) kalo patah hati apa obatnya dong? yah kalo ini mah tergantung masing2 individu dan waktu. Ada yang bisa ngelupain dgn cepet ada yang lamaaaaa banget. eniwei.. adakah yang mw konsultasi tentang patah hati kepadakuwh? Dr. cinta akan sipa membantumu. Cieeee... hihihi
oya.. semalam iseng2 waktu buka fs gag sengaja nemuin fsnya teman malaysia, tmen kosku dulu di karmen gang 5. Mreka sebagian kul di FK n FKG unair. Kalo berita2 ttg mereka kadang dicritain Ezy ataw mbak Rotsa. Tapi sumpah aku seneng banget waktu nemuin fsnya mereka, bis kangen lihat wajahnya. Mereka itu.. Adelene, Aleene, Farah, Deli, Nely dll. N what a surprise for me.. waktu baca koran jawapos weekend hari ini. aku ngelihat adelene nongol disana dengan teman2nya dr indo n... i saw the face that i wouldnt see. How came that face in there? jadi sekilas inget sama sum 1. Fiuh...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
My Favorite Song
Mw tau lagu favoritku yang sering aku denger di mp3 playerku??
1. Peterpan-Kisah Cintaku
2. Chrisye-Lirih
3. Ungu-Cinta dalam Hati
4. Ungu-Tercipta Untukku
5. D'Massive-Diantara Kalian
6. Potret-I just wanna Say ILU
7. SO7-Buat aKu Tersenyum
8. Numata-Raja Jatuh Cinta
9. Peterpan-Tentang Kita
10. Element-Rahasia Hati
11. Ungu-Laguku
12. Ada band-Belahan Jiwa
13. Ada band-Baiknya
14. Chris Brown n rihanna-Umbrella(cinderella)
15. Chris Brown-With You
16. Ashley S.-L.O.V.E.
17. Ashley S-Outta My Head
18. Frente- Bizzare Love triangle
19. Fat Joe, Ja rule, Ashanti- What's love
20. Gwen Steffani-Sweet Escape
21. ProjectPop-bukan Superstar
22. Madonna ft Justin-4minutes
23. Nelly F ft justin-give it 2 me
24. Timballan ft one republic-Apologies
25. Reza n Masaki Ueda-Biar menjadi Kenangan
26. rihanna- if that love really what u want
27. Rio Febrian-Jenuh ( ada di player list tp ga pernah tak dengerin :( )
28. A7x- Dear God
29. Letto-Sebelum Cahaya
30. Drive-Bersama Bintang
n many more. capeg nulisnya gyahahaha.. lagu2 diatas.. kebanyakan Nanda banget deh
oia.. kalo mw request n donlot lagu mending ke temanku aja degh, si Dana atau di Misshacker
1. Peterpan-Kisah Cintaku
2. Chrisye-Lirih
3. Ungu-Cinta dalam Hati
4. Ungu-Tercipta Untukku
5. D'Massive-Diantara Kalian
6. Potret-I just wanna Say ILU
7. SO7-Buat aKu Tersenyum
8. Numata-Raja Jatuh Cinta
9. Peterpan-Tentang Kita
10. Element-Rahasia Hati
11. Ungu-Laguku
12. Ada band-Belahan Jiwa
13. Ada band-Baiknya
14. Chris Brown n rihanna-Umbrella(cinderella)
15. Chris Brown-With You
16. Ashley S.-L.O.V.E.
17. Ashley S-Outta My Head
18. Frente- Bizzare Love triangle
19. Fat Joe, Ja rule, Ashanti- What's love
20. Gwen Steffani-Sweet Escape
21. ProjectPop-bukan Superstar
22. Madonna ft Justin-4minutes
23. Nelly F ft justin-give it 2 me
24. Timballan ft one republic-Apologies
25. Reza n Masaki Ueda-Biar menjadi Kenangan
26. rihanna- if that love really what u want
27. Rio Febrian-Jenuh ( ada di player list tp ga pernah tak dengerin :( )
28. A7x- Dear God
29. Letto-Sebelum Cahaya
30. Drive-Bersama Bintang
n many more. capeg nulisnya gyahahaha.. lagu2 diatas.. kebanyakan Nanda banget deh
oia.. kalo mw request n donlot lagu mending ke temanku aja degh, si Dana atau di Misshacker
Friday, October 24, 2008
THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM "Language, Culture, and Globalization in Southeast Asian Countries"
Faculty of Humanities of Airlangga University will hold its First International Symposium on "Language, Culture, and Globalization in Southeast Asian Countries" to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The symposium seeks to bring analyses in the field of humanities to bear on the complex relationship between language, culture and history, and the process of globalization in Southeast Asian countries. It also seeks to explore questions concerning commonalities and differences among Southeast Asians, who often come from radically different social, cultural and political contexts and yet who live in a world that is increasingly globally connected.
The symposium especially invites contributions from scholars or professionals who are interested in the issues in the humanities and its new trends in relation to the globally changing world. The symposium has identified several sub-themes to explore under this main theme. There are, among others, linguistics, literary works, translation studies, and cultures of Southeast Asia as regional identity markers in the domain of globalization, linguistic genocide, ethnography, and media in the era of globalization, indigenous studies and regional history: challenges and responses. In particular, participants are encouraged to engage with multidimensional and multidiscipline perspectives to share the researches in linguistics, literature, history, and culture in the domain of hegemonic globalization in Southeast Asian countries.
The main these of the symposium is "Language, Culture, and Globalization in Southeast Asian Countries." Meanwhile the sub-themes ("sites of inquiry") of the symposium are:
Issues and new trends in linguistics, literary works, translation studies, and cultures of Southeast Asia as regional identity markers in the era of globalization.
Examinations in linguistic genocide, ethnography, and media in the era of capitalist globalization.
Discussions in indigenous studies and regional history: challenges and responses.
Processes of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), literacy identity, and regional community in Southeast Asia.
Examinations of how perpetuation of tradition and processes of modernization/globalization – and tensions between them – affects the lives in Southeast Asian communities within different social and historical contexts.
Processes of globalization, their intersections with particularistic forms of Southeast Asian indigenous cultures, and the dilemma thus faced by emergent global identities.
Analyses of the diversity of the cultural norms that give rise to Southeast Asian images affected by globalization processes in various forms of representation and self-expressions, ranging from art, to religion, to the media.
Discussions of biomedical practices, and other uses of science and technology, that may threaten Southeast Asian communities to their integrity and social autonomy.
We welcome participations of diverse backgrounds in addressing the problems in the field of humanities through an exploration of any of the above "sites of inquiry." Proposals that address other "sites of inquiry" will also be considered.
The Symposium will be officially opened by:
Prof. Dr. H Fasich, Apt
Rector of Airlangga University
Aribowo, Drs., M.S.
Dean of Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Dr. Koike Mokoto
(Momoyama University -St. Andrew University)
Dr. Rochayah Machali
(The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
Dr. Melani Budianta
(University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia)
Dr. Ampuan Ibrahim
(Brunei University)
Sita van Bemmelen
(Leiden University – Sruti Denpasar)
The symposium will provide sessions for contributed
papers for presenters who write an abstract and full
paper to discuss and share ideas and critical issues of
language, culture, and globalization in Southeast
Asian countries.
The symposium invites experts, journalists, researches,
lecturers, graduate students and others to present papers
in the symposium.
The deadline for abstracts is October 31, 2008.
Abstracts should include (1) author’s name, mail and
email address; (2) an indication (if appropriate) of the
“site of inquiry” for which the contribution is intended; (3)
the length is around 300 – 500 words.
The notification for the selected abstracts is November 15,
Deadline for full papers is December 3 rd 2008.
The full paper must not exceed more than 15 pages
(single spaces), and sent to the symposium secretariat or
e-mailed to: fib.seminar@gmail.com or:
The deadline of presenter registration is December 7 2008
The deadline for participant registration is December 11,
As a number of participants will be limited, early registration
is strongly encouraged.
Rp. 200.000,00 Paper Presenters from Indonesia
US$ 50,00 Participants from other countries
Rp. 250.000,00 Participants from Indonesia (non students)
Rp. 50.000,00 Participants (students)
For paper presenters/participants from Indonesia, payment
can be made to: BCA Bank, c/o. Moch. Ali (reckening Account,
For paper presenters/participants from other countries, payment
can be paid directly to the organizing committee upon
their arrival on the day of the symposium.
Participants are entitled to a symposium kit, a certificate
and lunch. Accommodations are not provided. If a participant
wishes for an accommodation, the secretariat will be
available for assistance. The list of nearby accommodations
will be provided.
The symposium proceeding will be available upon the day of
the symposium.
Contact Address:
Secretariat of the First International Symposium
Moch. Ali
Faculty of Humanities (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya)
Airlangga University
Jln. Dharmawangsa Dalam
Telp :+6231-5035676, 5033080
Fax :+6231-5035807
HP : 08123263969 (Adi Setijowati)
Email : fib.seminar@gmail.com, fib@unair.ac.id
or visit this website for further information
Faculty of Humanities of Airlangga University will hold its First International Symposium on "Language, Culture, and Globalization in Southeast Asian Countries" to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The symposium seeks to bring analyses in the field of humanities to bear on the complex relationship between language, culture and history, and the process of globalization in Southeast Asian countries. It also seeks to explore questions concerning commonalities and differences among Southeast Asians, who often come from radically different social, cultural and political contexts and yet who live in a world that is increasingly globally connected.
The symposium especially invites contributions from scholars or professionals who are interested in the issues in the humanities and its new trends in relation to the globally changing world. The symposium has identified several sub-themes to explore under this main theme. There are, among others, linguistics, literary works, translation studies, and cultures of Southeast Asia as regional identity markers in the domain of globalization, linguistic genocide, ethnography, and media in the era of globalization, indigenous studies and regional history: challenges and responses. In particular, participants are encouraged to engage with multidimensional and multidiscipline perspectives to share the researches in linguistics, literature, history, and culture in the domain of hegemonic globalization in Southeast Asian countries.
The main these of the symposium is "Language, Culture, and Globalization in Southeast Asian Countries." Meanwhile the sub-themes ("sites of inquiry") of the symposium are:
Issues and new trends in linguistics, literary works, translation studies, and cultures of Southeast Asia as regional identity markers in the era of globalization.
Examinations in linguistic genocide, ethnography, and media in the era of capitalist globalization.
Discussions in indigenous studies and regional history: challenges and responses.
Processes of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), literacy identity, and regional community in Southeast Asia.
Examinations of how perpetuation of tradition and processes of modernization/globalization – and tensions between them – affects the lives in Southeast Asian communities within different social and historical contexts.
Processes of globalization, their intersections with particularistic forms of Southeast Asian indigenous cultures, and the dilemma thus faced by emergent global identities.
Analyses of the diversity of the cultural norms that give rise to Southeast Asian images affected by globalization processes in various forms of representation and self-expressions, ranging from art, to religion, to the media.
Discussions of biomedical practices, and other uses of science and technology, that may threaten Southeast Asian communities to their integrity and social autonomy.
We welcome participations of diverse backgrounds in addressing the problems in the field of humanities through an exploration of any of the above "sites of inquiry." Proposals that address other "sites of inquiry" will also be considered.
The Symposium will be officially opened by:
Prof. Dr. H Fasich, Apt
Rector of Airlangga University
Aribowo, Drs., M.S.
Dean of Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Dr. Koike Mokoto
(Momoyama University -St. Andrew University)
Dr. Rochayah Machali
(The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
Dr. Melani Budianta
(University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia)
Dr. Ampuan Ibrahim
(Brunei University)
Sita van Bemmelen
(Leiden University – Sruti Denpasar)
The symposium will provide sessions for contributed
papers for presenters who write an abstract and full
paper to discuss and share ideas and critical issues of
language, culture, and globalization in Southeast
Asian countries.
The symposium invites experts, journalists, researches,
lecturers, graduate students and others to present papers
in the symposium.
The deadline for abstracts is October 31, 2008.
Abstracts should include (1) author’s name, mail and
email address; (2) an indication (if appropriate) of the
“site of inquiry” for which the contribution is intended; (3)
the length is around 300 – 500 words.
The notification for the selected abstracts is November 15,
Deadline for full papers is December 3 rd 2008.
The full paper must not exceed more than 15 pages
(single spaces), and sent to the symposium secretariat or
e-mailed to: fib.seminar@gmail.com or:
The deadline of presenter registration is December 7 2008
The deadline for participant registration is December 11,
As a number of participants will be limited, early registration
is strongly encouraged.
Rp. 200.000,00 Paper Presenters from Indonesia
US$ 50,00 Participants from other countries
Rp. 250.000,00 Participants from Indonesia (non students)
Rp. 50.000,00 Participants (students)
For paper presenters/participants from Indonesia, payment
can be made to: BCA Bank, c/o. Moch. Ali (reckening Account,
For paper presenters/participants from other countries, payment
can be paid directly to the organizing committee upon
their arrival on the day of the symposium.
Participants are entitled to a symposium kit, a certificate
and lunch. Accommodations are not provided. If a participant
wishes for an accommodation, the secretariat will be
available for assistance. The list of nearby accommodations
will be provided.
The symposium proceeding will be available upon the day of
the symposium.
Contact Address:
Secretariat of the First International Symposium
Moch. Ali
Faculty of Humanities (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya)
Airlangga University
Jln. Dharmawangsa Dalam
Telp :+6231-5035676, 5033080
Fax :+6231-5035807
HP : 08123263969 (Adi Setijowati)
Email : fib.seminar@gmail.com, fib@unair.ac.id
or visit this website for further information
Skripsi oh skripsikuw
lebih dari 1 bulan skripsiku ga keurus.. lebih dari sebulan aku blom sungkeman ma dosen pembimbingku, bu ika. Pastinya aku sudah dicari oleh beliau. Mana nih si Nanda, murid bimbinganku yang paling cantik tapi malez bgt??? hehehehe. Maaph ya buuu... aku kepanasan. JDANG!!!! alasan yang aneh ah.. enggak nding.. lagi nganalisa bab 4. Buset... sumpah nganalisa data bikin aku jadi gak karu-karuan. pusing... blom lagi ngedit gramar huhuhu..
oia buu... sebenarnya jum'at ini aku mw bimbingan ma ibu, tapi apa daya ternyata adik sudah menjemput, ya jadinya pulang deh. Padahal aku dah bawa brownies bwt ibu. Minggu depan saja ya buu.. ntar aku bawain oleh2 lagi hehehe. Piz ya bu???
akhir2 ini aku sering mimpi sidang skripsi, rasanya nervous banget deh. apalgi lihat wajahnya para dosen2 penguji terutama bu Cici. Aduh. aduh... peritku jadi mulesz nih. eh.. maaph ya bu cici, bukannya saya tidak suka pada anda tapi jujur.. saya agak takut membayangkan saat saya melihat wajah anda di sidang nanti. FYI, bu cici salah satu dosen senior dikampusku yang baru lulus studi s2 di Aussie. awal2nya ngajar seh beliau enak banget, tapi gak tau kenapa kok akhir2nya jadi moodyan. dikit2 sensian. ugh... syerem deh. Tapi aku ga mw terlalu takut dengan beliau, aku harus menyiapkan dengan baik untuk sidangku. huaaaa.... deg-degan banget :-(
oia buu... sebenarnya jum'at ini aku mw bimbingan ma ibu, tapi apa daya ternyata adik sudah menjemput, ya jadinya pulang deh. Padahal aku dah bawa brownies bwt ibu. Minggu depan saja ya buu.. ntar aku bawain oleh2 lagi hehehe. Piz ya bu???
akhir2 ini aku sering mimpi sidang skripsi, rasanya nervous banget deh. apalgi lihat wajahnya para dosen2 penguji terutama bu Cici. Aduh. aduh... peritku jadi mulesz nih. eh.. maaph ya bu cici, bukannya saya tidak suka pada anda tapi jujur.. saya agak takut membayangkan saat saya melihat wajah anda di sidang nanti. FYI, bu cici salah satu dosen senior dikampusku yang baru lulus studi s2 di Aussie. awal2nya ngajar seh beliau enak banget, tapi gak tau kenapa kok akhir2nya jadi moodyan. dikit2 sensian. ugh... syerem deh. Tapi aku ga mw terlalu takut dengan beliau, aku harus menyiapkan dengan baik untuk sidangku. huaaaa.... deg-degan banget :-(
Surabaya The Damn hot City part 2
emang gile bener dah panasnya surabaya! suhu terakhir mencapai 42 derajat. ckckckck...
mandi..mandi..mandi n mandi adalah pekerjaan yg wajib dilakukan disurabaya.
pagi2 mandi, mw kekampus mandi, pulang dr kampus mandi, sore mandi, maw tidur malam mandi lagi. Hahaha kayaknya ibu kos lagi pusing soalnya tagihan airnya melonjak drastis. Maaf ya buuu.
Puncak kepanasan dikosan terjadi waktu kipas angin mbak hay, temen kosrku dan kipas kamarku mati. Akhirnya mbak hay mutusin beli kipas angin di hartono jln kertajaya. yah.. lumayanlah sekalian ngadem disana. Karena kipas kamarku mati tanpa sebab.. akhirnya aku tidur di kamar mbak hay dan meninggalkan Anggi, teman sekamarku tidur sendirian.
Untungnya keesokkan harinya Pak Imam, orang yang biasa betulin dikos datang dan memperbaiki kipas angin kamar. Thank yaPak! you are the fan hero deh!!! Beberapa hari kemudian.. ternyata allah mendengar doaku. Baca postinganku sebelumnya ya. 2 hari ini hujan turun.. deras banget. Jadi adem deh deh surabaya yah.. paling gak tidur malam bisa gak keringetan.
Todei.. aku bangun jam 9. Rencananya mau ke kampus jam 11. Tanpa mandi tapi sudah gosok gigi aku ngikut kiki untuk beli makan di Bu yanti, depan kos. Lagi enak2 makan eh.. bel kosan bunyi dan ternyata adikku datang, jemput pulang. Loh.. loh... kok dah datang seh bin? adikku malah marah2 katanya sudah telpon aku ga diangkat. dan bener.. 7 missed call dan 4 sms tak terjawab. Ya udah secepat kilat aku pergi mandi, mandi bebek... ( ada gak ya didunia bebek, mandi manusia?) pikirku.. paling ntar dijalan panas banget, sampai rumah kan bisa mandi. Hehehe... tanpa pikir panjang aku bereskan laptop dan ranselku untuk dibawa pulang.
" mbak kamu gak mandi tah?" tanya Kiki
" heheh.. tapi udah gosok gigi kok" jawabku enteng
" dasar bocah edan!" sahut mbak rotsa
" lhah.. ntar dirumah bisa mandi kan. sekarang mansi sama aja.. panas" kataku
" iya seh.. bener..bener.."
en yu know wat? pilihanku untuk mandi bebek bener.. cuaca hari ini panas bgt. sepanjang perjalanan ke gresik panas..... beuh. Adikku kalo nyetir kayak orang kebelet pub, kencang dan zig-zag, nyalip disela truk2. busyet.. bikin dengkulku lemes aja...katanya seh ngejar waktu solat jum'atan. yah bener juga seh.. tapi mbok ya inget kalo dia boncengin kakaknya. Hehehe sepanjang perjalanan aku dah komat-kamit baca mantra eh.baca do'a nding sambil megangin pingang adikku, abisnya percuma aja kalo dia dia nasehatin.. eh adikku malah cengegesan ngelihat aku yang setengah mampus ketakutan. sampe rumah akhirnya aku mandi deh..
emang gile bener dah panasnya surabaya! suhu terakhir mencapai 42 derajat. ckckckck...
mandi..mandi..mandi n mandi adalah pekerjaan yg wajib dilakukan disurabaya.
pagi2 mandi, mw kekampus mandi, pulang dr kampus mandi, sore mandi, maw tidur malam mandi lagi. Hahaha kayaknya ibu kos lagi pusing soalnya tagihan airnya melonjak drastis. Maaf ya buuu.
Puncak kepanasan dikosan terjadi waktu kipas angin mbak hay, temen kosrku dan kipas kamarku mati. Akhirnya mbak hay mutusin beli kipas angin di hartono jln kertajaya. yah.. lumayanlah sekalian ngadem disana. Karena kipas kamarku mati tanpa sebab.. akhirnya aku tidur di kamar mbak hay dan meninggalkan Anggi, teman sekamarku tidur sendirian.
Untungnya keesokkan harinya Pak Imam, orang yang biasa betulin dikos datang dan memperbaiki kipas angin kamar. Thank yaPak! you are the fan hero deh!!! Beberapa hari kemudian.. ternyata allah mendengar doaku. Baca postinganku sebelumnya ya. 2 hari ini hujan turun.. deras banget. Jadi adem deh deh surabaya yah.. paling gak tidur malam bisa gak keringetan.
Todei.. aku bangun jam 9. Rencananya mau ke kampus jam 11. Tanpa mandi tapi sudah gosok gigi aku ngikut kiki untuk beli makan di Bu yanti, depan kos. Lagi enak2 makan eh.. bel kosan bunyi dan ternyata adikku datang, jemput pulang. Loh.. loh... kok dah datang seh bin? adikku malah marah2 katanya sudah telpon aku ga diangkat. dan bener.. 7 missed call dan 4 sms tak terjawab. Ya udah secepat kilat aku pergi mandi, mandi bebek... ( ada gak ya didunia bebek, mandi manusia?) pikirku.. paling ntar dijalan panas banget, sampai rumah kan bisa mandi. Hehehe... tanpa pikir panjang aku bereskan laptop dan ranselku untuk dibawa pulang.
" mbak kamu gak mandi tah?" tanya Kiki
" heheh.. tapi udah gosok gigi kok" jawabku enteng
" dasar bocah edan!" sahut mbak rotsa
" lhah.. ntar dirumah bisa mandi kan. sekarang mansi sama aja.. panas" kataku
" iya seh.. bener..bener.."
en yu know wat? pilihanku untuk mandi bebek bener.. cuaca hari ini panas bgt. sepanjang perjalanan ke gresik panas..... beuh. Adikku kalo nyetir kayak orang kebelet pub, kencang dan zig-zag, nyalip disela truk2. busyet.. bikin dengkulku lemes aja...katanya seh ngejar waktu solat jum'atan. yah bener juga seh.. tapi mbok ya inget kalo dia boncengin kakaknya. Hehehe sepanjang perjalanan aku dah komat-kamit baca mantra eh.baca do'a nding sambil megangin pingang adikku, abisnya percuma aja kalo dia dia nasehatin.. eh adikku malah cengegesan ngelihat aku yang setengah mampus ketakutan. sampe rumah akhirnya aku mandi deh..
Friday, October 17, 2008
Surabaya the Damn hot City!
Akhir2 ini Surabaya dan sekitarnya panas banget.Fiuh.. panasnya ga ketulungan deh. Udahlah panas, ga ada angin dan ga ujan sama sekali. Sehari mandi sampe bolak-balik deh, pa lagi sampe ngabisin air dingin n es batu dikulkas. Kalo dirumah masi bisa ngadem pake AC, lha kalo dikos2an? pake dua kipas dengan pilihan tombol yang paling keras pun ga ngefek sama sekali. malah anginnya jadi panas.Akhirnya mandi dan ngadem di depan kulkas menjadi pilihan terbaik. Tapi bebebrapa hari ini aku dan temen2 kos memutuskan untuk ngadem di mall dari siang sampe malem. Yah walopun cuma ngadem di food court dan duduk aja, yang penting bisa menghindar dari panas. Emang kurang kerjaan banget ya???
Dan kamu tau ga? baru kali ini aku pulang ke rumah, cuacanya jadi mendung. wihhh.. lumayanlah daripada disurabaya yang panas bgt. Tapi ketika malam menjelang, cuaca mulai panas lagi. huhuhu.. kapan seh ujan datang? 2 minggu yang lalu surabaya dan gresik sempat ujan mulai dr sore sampe malam bahkan sampe mati lampu segala. Bene2 bagai oase dipadang pasir. Tapi setelah itu... ujan tidak pernah turun kembali. Dan denger2 dari BMG, suhu panas mencapai 40 derajat celcius, hal ini dikarenakan matahari berada tepat di garis khatulistiwa. Ya ALLAH.. tolong turunkan hujan pada kami. eh..eh.. malam ini aku ngelihat sinetron teenlit yang ada Dimas Setonya. Wuaaaaa cakepp!!!!! abiz gitu disambung sama konser musik dimana disana ada band favoritku... UNGU!!!
He make me Crazy!!! >>>
Dan kamu tau ga? baru kali ini aku pulang ke rumah, cuacanya jadi mendung. wihhh.. lumayanlah daripada disurabaya yang panas bgt. Tapi ketika malam menjelang, cuaca mulai panas lagi. huhuhu.. kapan seh ujan datang? 2 minggu yang lalu surabaya dan gresik sempat ujan mulai dr sore sampe malam bahkan sampe mati lampu segala. Bene2 bagai oase dipadang pasir. Tapi setelah itu... ujan tidak pernah turun kembali. Dan denger2 dari BMG, suhu panas mencapai 40 derajat celcius, hal ini dikarenakan matahari berada tepat di garis khatulistiwa. Ya ALLAH.. tolong turunkan hujan pada kami. eh..eh.. malam ini aku ngelihat sinetron teenlit yang ada Dimas Setonya. Wuaaaaa cakepp!!!!! abiz gitu disambung sama konser musik dimana disana ada band favoritku... UNGU!!!
He make me Crazy!!! >>>


Small reunion with Friends
finally after long time no see with my friends, I met them after lebaran holiday. First on 5th october and second in 11th october. I met my Senior high school friends. Surprise!!! they still remember me. Sooo switz :) I met Dwi and Ayu ( GokiL couple), Firman (si boz hulk), Wathank, Juned ( ex chairman of 3 ips 1), Taqyn, Rinawo, Rety, Rizkawo, titis, kiki n Nurma.
Then on 11th october we decided to take a pict in a studio photo. Yeah... narcism time!!! We ( Wathank, taqyn, TW, rina, rizka, titis, nurma n kiki) except Firman, went to FDI studio in pangsud street, after that we went around of Gresik. It was so long time that we never hangout together like this.

ini dia foto yg dudul abiz tapi keren. hehehe.
knapa dodol? lihat benda putih dibawa fotoku. Ada tisu disana!!!
huah.... fotografernya ga profesional tuh.

ini foto2 di pujasera dekat wisma semen.
Kebiasaan kita kalo lagi ngumpul yaitu.. jajan plus foto2
yah.. narsisnya tetep deh

ayo.. yang es degan es degan campur saus tomat!!!
finally after long time no see with my friends, I met them after lebaran holiday. First on 5th october and second in 11th october. I met my Senior high school friends. Surprise!!! they still remember me. Sooo switz :) I met Dwi and Ayu ( GokiL couple), Firman (si boz hulk), Wathank, Juned ( ex chairman of 3 ips 1), Taqyn, Rinawo, Rety, Rizkawo, titis, kiki n Nurma.
Then on 11th october we decided to take a pict in a studio photo. Yeah... narcism time!!! We ( Wathank, taqyn, TW, rina, rizka, titis, nurma n kiki) except Firman, went to FDI studio in pangsud street, after that we went around of Gresik. It was so long time that we never hangout together like this.

ini dia foto yg dudul abiz tapi keren. hehehe.
knapa dodol? lihat benda putih dibawa fotoku. Ada tisu disana!!!
huah.... fotografernya ga profesional tuh.

ini foto2 di pujasera dekat wisma semen.
Kebiasaan kita kalo lagi ngumpul yaitu.. jajan plus foto2
yah.. narsisnya tetep deh

ayo.. yang es degan es degan campur saus tomat!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Laskar Pelangi The Movie

One word to comment this film..
finally there is film that truly Indonesia
that tell about poor, education, culture, tolerant, religion etc
eventhough I just had read by mbak rotsa n Qiqiey in boarding houz,
But after I seen this movie, I realize that thiz film very2 amazing!!!
ckckckck..... merinding deh.
Hehehe finally.. after 2 weaks i cant watch ( lebaran holiday)
i can watch this film with truely!!!
Believe it or not
the ticket always sold out in every theatre/studio
Thanks to god!! we success got the ticket after queque in line and waiting the studio open!!!
Perjuangan kita tidak sia-sia truel!!!
If you have not watch this film,
You must watch !!!
if u wanna know more about this film,please klick here
or klick here
Your attitude based on colour
Pastilah hampir semua orang mempunyai salah satu jenis warna yang sangat disukai dari sekian banyak warna yang ada atau yang biasa disebut dengan warna favorit. Nah, dari situ kita bisa lihat watak kamu berdasarkan warna favorit kamu.
Warna Biru
Warna kesukaan kamu hijau, maka kamu adalah tipe yang sangat romantik, menyukai keindahan, menyenangi alam dengan udara yang sejuk. Kamu adalah seseorang yang selalu memegang prinsip. Dalam hal bercinta kamu mengidam-idamkan calon teman hidup yang penuh toleransi dan dapat dipercaya.
Green--you are romantic person, love beautiful thing, love everything about nature. you are principle. In love relation, you want a soulmate who tolerant and trusted.
Warna Kuning
Yellow--you are optimistic. You are happyness and love make a friend. You always helpful to every body.
Warna Ungu
Puple-- you are extraodinary person if u love this colour. You never give up and indecisive when think about future. You always up to date. you always looking for a person who brave and strong to become your soulmate.
Warna Putih
White--You born in a perfect world. There are many person who admiring you, idealism and high morality. not arrogant, helpful.
Warna Hitam
Kamu termasuk tipe orang yang sangat lincah dalam hal-hal tertentu saja. Kalo kamu berada dilingkungan yang tidak disukai, maka kamu akan menjadi murung. Kamu selalu tampil menarik, rapi, cukup banyak lawan jenis berusaha mengejar dan merebut cinta kamu.
black-- active in current situation. If you were in environment that make you unfortable, you will get bad mood. you always fashinable so that's way, many person love you.
Warna Merah
Kamu termasuk tipe yang sangat berwibawa dan juga senang mengayomi teman yang lemah. Walau sering kali bergaul dan bercanda tapi kamu bisa menahan diri. Banyak orang mengatakan cinta, tapi kamu selalu berpikir dan berpikir lagi. Kamu termasuk tipe yang sulit jatuh cinta.
Red-- Braver, charming, help weak people, risk taker. you are difficult to fall in love.
Warna Biru
Jika kamu menyukai warna biru, maka kamu termasuk dalam tipe pemurung, selalu menyenangkan dan selalu bertindak pasif dalam segala hal. Mendambakan ketenangan dan ketentraman. Kamu selalu mendapat kesulitan dalam pergaulan. Demikian pula dalam bercinta karena kamu pintar dalam menyembunyikan perasaan.
if u are blue lover, you are related gloomy type, always kindness and be passive in everything. Love peaceful also. you often get problem in your relationship especially in love thing because you can hide your feeling.
Warna Hijauif u are blue lover, you are related gloomy type, always kindness and be passive in everything. Love peaceful also. you often get problem in your relationship especially in love thing because you can hide your feeling.
Warna kesukaan kamu hijau, maka kamu adalah tipe yang sangat romantik, menyukai keindahan, menyenangi alam dengan udara yang sejuk. Kamu adalah seseorang yang selalu memegang prinsip. Dalam hal bercinta kamu mengidam-idamkan calon teman hidup yang penuh toleransi dan dapat dipercaya.
Green--you are romantic person, love beautiful thing, love everything about nature. you are principle. In love relation, you want a soulmate who tolerant and trusted.
Warna Kuning
Kesukaan kamu warna kuning menandakan bahwa kamu memiliki sifat optimis. Kamu tipe periang dan senang bergaul, tidak memiliki penampilan yang loyo. Sifat tolong-menolong selalu ada dalam diri kamu, karena menolong merupakan suatu kewajiban mutlak bagi kamu. Kamu orang yang tidak pernah meremehkan siapapun juga, walaupun seseorang itu dungu atau bloon.
Yellow--you are optimistic. You are happyness and love make a friend. You always helpful to every body.
Warna Ungu
Kalo warna Ungu (Violet) menjadi warna favorit kamu maka kamu adalah tipe yang benar-benar luar biasa. Dalam menghadapi masa depan kamu tidak pernah ragu-ragu, apa yang dikerjakan kamu adalah yang terbaik. Kamu pandai benar dalam mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Dalam bercinta, hanya merekalah yang kuat mental yang bisa mendekati dan menjadi kekasih kamu.
Puple-- you are extraodinary person if u love this colour. You never give up and indecisive when think about future. You always up to date. you always looking for a person who brave and strong to become your soulmate.
Warna Putih
Jika kamu menyukai warna putih, maka kamu adalah orang yang dilahirkan ke dunia dengan sempurna, banyak orang mengagumi kamu karena sifat anggun, sifat idealis dan moral kamu yang teramat tinggi. Tak pernah angkuh, senang menolong siapa saja yang membutuhkan bantuan kamu.
White--You born in a perfect world. There are many person who admiring you, idealism and high morality. not arrogant, helpful.
Warna Hitam
Kamu termasuk tipe orang yang sangat lincah dalam hal-hal tertentu saja. Kalo kamu berada dilingkungan yang tidak disukai, maka kamu akan menjadi murung. Kamu selalu tampil menarik, rapi, cukup banyak lawan jenis berusaha mengejar dan merebut cinta kamu.
black-- active in current situation. If you were in environment that make you unfortable, you will get bad mood. you always fashinable so that's way, many person love you.
Warna Merah
Kamu termasuk tipe yang sangat berwibawa dan juga senang mengayomi teman yang lemah. Walau sering kali bergaul dan bercanda tapi kamu bisa menahan diri. Banyak orang mengatakan cinta, tapi kamu selalu berpikir dan berpikir lagi. Kamu termasuk tipe yang sulit jatuh cinta.
Red-- Braver, charming, help weak people, risk taker. you are difficult to fall in love.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Happy B'day 4 Me!!!
hApPy b'DaY foR mE!!!

Myspace Happy Birthday Comments
woW.. gAg kerasa umurku nambah lagi
become elder now
how old I am?
maunya seh getu.. tapi kok ya gag sesuai dgn wajah
tujuh belas plus-pluslah pokoknya
my boading house's firends made a surprise for me
their surprise made me to take a bath
but it's okey.. never mind
My Wish...
hope to be mature
hope to get graduate
hope to get a job
hope to get a real soulmate
hApPy b'DaY foR mE!!!

Myspace Happy Birthday Comments
woW.. gAg kerasa umurku nambah lagi
become elder now
how old I am?
maunya seh getu.. tapi kok ya gag sesuai dgn wajah
tujuh belas plus-pluslah pokoknya
my boading house's firends made a surprise for me
their surprise made me to take a bath
but it's okey.. never mind
My Wish...
hope to be mature
hope to get graduate
hope to get a job
hope to get a real soulmate
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Back from mudik
Yes here I am!!!
finally.. I'm back from mudik( a tradition in indonesia go to hometown when lebaran day) . So tired, of course lah...
I'm mudik for 1 week, began from sunday afternoon went to jombang ( my granma hous from Mom) then tuesday in the afternoon went to solo, so last fasting day we on the trip. Open fasting in madiun then.. we arrived in solo at 9 p.m
Wednesday morning, me, my family and my grand parents done solat idul fitri in Masjid GEDE Solo. After that we had sungkeman ( ask apologize each other) and then eat!!! If lebaran day, we have tradition to eat chicken opor, ketupat, and sambal goreng tempe. Hmmm yummy. Oh..yes.. my aunty family also came!
Thursday morning we went to delanggu, there is reunion family. Friday, we went back to jombang. Oh mygosh... it taken 12 hours!!! normally taken 5 hours. It because the highway is so crowded. Saturday, there is family reunion from my mom family, but me and my mom didin't came, we choose to went to kediri, there is my mom classmate reunion. yah.. daripada ngacang, i choose went to anggi's house in kediri also. Wow.. what a nice home and family! love it. Then.. my familiy went back home saturday nite. Really2.. tired.
finally.. I'm back from mudik( a tradition in indonesia go to hometown when lebaran day) . So tired, of course lah...
I'm mudik for 1 week, began from sunday afternoon went to jombang ( my granma hous from Mom) then tuesday in the afternoon went to solo, so last fasting day we on the trip. Open fasting in madiun then.. we arrived in solo at 9 p.m
Wednesday morning, me, my family and my grand parents done solat idul fitri in Masjid GEDE Solo. After that we had sungkeman ( ask apologize each other) and then eat!!! If lebaran day, we have tradition to eat chicken opor, ketupat, and sambal goreng tempe. Hmmm yummy. Oh..yes.. my aunty family also came!
Thursday morning we went to delanggu, there is reunion family. Friday, we went back to jombang. Oh mygosh... it taken 12 hours!!! normally taken 5 hours. It because the highway is so crowded. Saturday, there is family reunion from my mom family, but me and my mom didin't came, we choose to went to kediri, there is my mom classmate reunion. yah.. daripada ngacang, i choose went to anggi's house in kediri also. Wow.. what a nice home and family! love it. Then.. my familiy went back home saturday nite. Really2.. tired.
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