Monday, February 09, 2009

The Cutest Hollywood Actor

this idea post came from one of my friend.
He sent me sms about her favorite actor in Hollywood

Recipent: Bowomania
" wo, Shia lho wo.. Gantengg.
Yg main disturbia, Transformer!
Di eagle eye ampyunnn ganteng bgt!
jd jatuh cintrong. he5 yolanda? "

I was surprise when i read it. A bowomania can be like that??
Shia?? ahhhh.. shia... then, i reply her sms,,

" Aq dirumah,
ni buka bloger tp ga tw mw ngepost apa.
ada ide? weits tu cwo emang keren "

then.. her sms coming

" ya sms q aje yg td dmasukkan blog he3.
cr dulu foto2ne shia. kpn2 aq curhat perihal mimpiku.
tlg masukkan blogmu
cak man buka blogmu lho "

then.. i reply her
" Emang cak man blg??? hehe bowo, aq dah cr fotone
sumpah ganteng!"

And i sent a sms to bowo in malang and sby
" wo, aktor / atlet yang cute sapa? give me 5!"

just a minute the reply came, here are the result...


  1. SHIA LaBEOUF...
    ohhhh... SHIA... SHIA...

    jgn lupa wo, nonton EAGLE EYE!
    sumpah! Shia Gantengggg bgt

  2. wo aku kok baru sadar..

    bukannya kalo cute bukan pake most cute, tapi cuter/ cutest ya??


after read this... plase give comment ya!!!