Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ooopss... Weekend again

Weekend is coming..
yeah... but I'm not happy yet.
It was so bored..
watching tv that the shows program are not educated. so, after watching Termehek-mehek in Trans Tv, i decide to hang out with my neighbor, Ayu. We went to bought megazines and to Ramayana. That is the only one dept. store in my hometown. Fyi, that place is not cool. The visitor, most of them is villagers hehehe ( kampungan, red). Ga taw sejak kapan AC-nya jadi ga dingin dan terasa panas banget. Kalah ke pantai.. Disana akhirnya aku beli celengan bergambar princess dan frame kecil dr kayu. keren..

Sunday morning at 5.30 a.m,
I and ayu went to jogging in Petro sport center. There was long time not jogging bcoz busy. Awalnya sih sepi, tapi lama2 rame banget. Well, I met Elfian family! Zacky n Rizky. Hmm, I wonder that i meet their old brother, Echa. Yup... hehehe ( sttt... he is cool) OMG, why I remember him? when I always meet him, my heart is shaked hahaha ( bahasanya aneh ya?) 1 and half hour later, we decide go home, but before that we walking2 ( hahah jalan2 maksudna) to pongangan estate-- my 2nd x-boyfriend. And oh... he know that we pass his hum and I'm absolutely 'damn' surprised when I bought 'pecel', he had stand up in front of me ( wew.. kayak jelangkung ajah). Fiuh.. finally I met him ( again)

All the day I'm bored..
So i posting photo

With Rizka (debolokurowo) in Tunjungan Plaza food court after shopping

With Rizka and Rina... that was so fun with them.
When we meet.. dun forget to take pict.
Say cheese..... :D


  1. Huahahaha...

    foto bowo begituuu kamu pajang ndurr

    apalagi foto yang aku di mulut "buaya", hihihi

    btw, aku copykan donggggg...

  2. hei foto tant war-war!
    btw, aku copy kan donk!!!


after read this... plase give comment ya!!!