Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gong xi fa cai

( thanks ya woo dah dieditin fotonya xoxo)

Last Monday, in the Chinese new year
I and Rizwo went to Cheng hoo mosque
located in jl.gading Surabaya
pass jl. jaksa agung suprapto ( near balai kota Sby)
It's small and unique mosque. why?
It's similar like 'klenteng' or pray place for chinese

I just come for the first time since built in 2002
(ya ampun.. ndsesooo)
When I arrived in this place... I'm speechless

,want to know the history of this mosque?
Click disini atau disini

Here is the photo's when in masjid cheng hoo

akting jadi model

serasa di negeri China ya..

Jadul.... :D

Lihat apa seh wooo???

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Help... I'm bored!!!

Ga dirumah ga dikosan bosan mulu deh
dikosan sepi kayak kuburan hiii
sebagian besar anak2 kosan pada pulkam, holidei
dilante bawah tinggal aku, mbak hay,
mbak ina trus td sore mbak dian n mbak rahmi datang
si ayu td pagi berangkat holidei ma temennya ke kudus
di lante atas tu pun sama kayak lante 1 plus mbak ira si pembokat

oia eniwei.. Sabtu kemaren kosan cowok disebelahku kemalingan
kejadiannya persis kayak mbak niken
yang kemalingan kamarnya si
Leo( sicakep anak FKG),
kamarnya kemalingan waktu dia tidur
lupa dikunci
( bad.. bad.. thing!!)
kejadiannya jam setengah tiga pagi
malingnya masuk ketika orang2 pada tidur
dan nyari yang pintunya ga dikunci
dugaanku seh.. orangnya sama wktu kejadiannya mbak niken
trus lewat pintu garasi kos cowok yg kebetulan gag dikunci
( beruntung banget tu maling)
yang dicuri 1 laptop, 2 hape
( shocked :( )
Ugh.... jadi takut kalo malam2 pengen pipis
hihihi.. abisnya kamar mandinya diluar

oia lagi hehehe
senin kemaren pas hari imlek

Aku ma Rizka imlekan di masjid cheng hoo
abis sholat dhuhur disana kta photo2 deh
hahaha narsisnya tetep yeee
sayang.. file photonye di
( Wo, aku ngopi filenya dunk...!!!! kapan ketemu??? )
ntar deh kalo dah dapet tak posting disini
lagian ni waktu ngenet di warnet deket kos yang
lemottt bangettadinya juga mw posting video wbl yg dikopiin firman
yaaa gag jadi deh

Pesan moral :
Kunci semua pintu kosan, kamar
atau rumah anda sblm tidur atau bepergian
simpan barang berharga anda ditempat aman
pastikan koneksi internet cepet waktu mau browsing

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ooopss... Weekend again

Weekend is coming..
yeah... but I'm not happy yet.
It was so bored..
watching tv that the shows program are not educated. so, after watching Termehek-mehek in Trans Tv, i decide to hang out with my neighbor, Ayu. We went to bought megazines and to Ramayana. That is the only one dept. store in my hometown. Fyi, that place is not cool. The visitor, most of them is villagers hehehe ( kampungan, red). Ga taw sejak kapan AC-nya jadi ga dingin dan terasa panas banget. Kalah ke pantai.. Disana akhirnya aku beli celengan bergambar princess dan frame kecil dr kayu. keren..

Sunday morning at 5.30 a.m,
I and ayu went to jogging in Petro sport center. There was long time not jogging bcoz busy. Awalnya sih sepi, tapi lama2 rame banget. Well, I met Elfian family! Zacky n Rizky. Hmm, I wonder that i meet their old brother, Echa. Yup... hehehe ( sttt... he is cool) OMG, why I remember him? when I always meet him, my heart is shaked hahaha ( bahasanya aneh ya?) 1 and half hour later, we decide go home, but before that we walking2 ( hahah jalan2 maksudna) to pongangan estate-- my 2nd x-boyfriend. And oh... he know that we pass his hum and I'm absolutely 'damn' surprised when I bought 'pecel', he had stand up in front of me ( wew.. kayak jelangkung ajah). Fiuh.. finally I met him ( again)

All the day I'm bored..
So i posting photo

With Rizka (debolokurowo) in Tunjungan Plaza food court after shopping

With Rizka and Rina... that was so fun with them.
When we meet.. dun forget to take pict.
Say cheese..... :D

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Antara Obama, Karsa, Pasha dan Ariel

Kenapah aku bwt postingan dengan judul diatas????
ada hubungannya kah? secara gak langsung seh.. ada yang hubungannya ada yang enggak
( hah... maksod lo nduR???)

Obama akhirnya resmi menjadi president ke 44 U.S dengan disaksikan 2 juta lebih rakyat amerika di Washinton D.c dan jutaan mata diseluruh dunia. Coool deh Om! Obama sangat dielu-elukan warga Amerika sono semenjak dia menjadi calon presiden pada pemilihan thn 2008. Dia berjanji akan memmbawa peubahan negara Amerika yang lebih baik, lebih perhatian kepada negara muslim, berjanji mengatasi krisis perekonomian dunia terutama Amerika. Dan walopun tidak disebutkan dalam pidato pertamanya.. dia juga akan mengatasi permasalahan gaza. Semoga kata2nya terkabul... AMin..

Di Amerika Om Obama dilantik, di Indonesia tepatnya jawa timur di pulau madura alias Blok M, diadakan pemilihan ulang untuk memilih calon gubernur antara kubu KA-JI dan KARSA. Setelah dilakukan peghitungan suara, hasil sementara menunjukkan KARSA yang menang, tapi lagi2 pihak KAJI memprotes katanya telah terjadi kecurangan dan pelanggaran. Heran deh sama mereka, kenapa sih ngak bisa menerima dengan hati ihlas? dulu katanya apapun hasilnya akan diterima dengan hati legowo lha ini kok masih muring2 setelah kalah?

Oh Pasha.... dulu aku begitu ngefans sama kamu, tapi sekarang jadi ga begitu addicted lagi. Iya sejak diberitakan perceraian dan penyebabbya. KDRT ataukah selingkuh? Ternyata diam2 kamu menghanyutkan juga... duh, aku ganti ngefans ma onci aja ah... buat mbak oki, yang sabar aja yah... biar tuhan yang membalasnya.

Sebelum Pasha ada Ariel..
mirip sih, tapi tak sama. Ni cowok akhirnya cerai juga ma Sarah amalia. Dan katanya seh setelah cerai dia pedekate lagi ama Luna Maya? hmmm cinta lama bersemi kembali? whateverlah... semoga apapun yang terjadi membawa pengaruh yang baik bagi mereka semua. Aku setuju2 ajama mereka berdua kalo jadi nikah. Biar kata.. kau buaya, bagiku kau Luna Maya... I love u bibeh... hehehe soo pasti ariel akan selalu menyanyika lagu romantis ya bwt Luna? so sweet...

So sick of my life

I dunno...
what happen with my life today
it can not guessed
desperate ( sometimes)

all happened to me.
often i thought that God and all of the people are not fair with me
Everything happened which is not happy ending
also my parents...
why? why me??

but i always not give up
at least for my self and my life
and also for my friends who give me supports
thank you so much. mmmmwaaaaa :D

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Botani Park

In this posting, i write about a place that i visited someday ago when i did runway
This place called Botani Park, located on 30 minutes from Jember city, exactly in Sukarambi village, gebang. There are beautiful scenery as long as the trip.
What is Botany Park? Botani park is nature recreation park. There are nature swimming pool which is located on the down of the hills. Cool!!! The location is still nature.. like forest. Like forks, the Edward Cullen place hohoho.... the are is also used for out bond
well unfortunately, when i was in there, the place is so crowded, full of humans. maybe at the same time with school holiday

the positive of this place:
- the ticket is cheap 6000 IDR
-education recreation place ( mini zoo, many of plants and outbound area)
-the officers are friendly
-the foods in the restaurant are delicious and cheap

the negative:
-less paid attention by the officer- kurang terawat gituuuu

Cobaan (datang) lagi...

didja believe that 13 is unlucky number or lucky number?
what's your opinion?

Aku seh.... both of them? lhoh?
13th January at 13 pm ago...
that day is my examination
and it was unsuccessful ( read: failed / delayed?)
Dodol kampret!!!!!
how come???
wez.. aku gak mau cerita, but one of the reason is my thesis advisor make me confused and angry.

oke.. i can accept that i must take examination ( again) :(
yeagh 2nd chance
i wish that will be miracle for me
( aku harus balas dendam,,, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

this situation almost made me crazy and desperate
but finally... i can solve my self
oh ya.. si tukang gossip itu sedikit lebih beruntung drpd aku
he's got C for her examination but he must make total revision.
curang tuh dosen pengujine. sialan........ kampret!!!
ups sory m'am...

yeah finally i decide to runaway to jember ( Rety's college place ) for someday
of course my parents confused for looking me ( sory mam, dad)
I ride train and i got ticket with number 13, it also happened when i go home to sby.. but it was lile lucky for me, b'coz.. i met a handsome boy hehehe

ini foto waktu ke botani park, jember, tempat aku mengilang hehehe

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shit... kesel aku!

emang ya... ada aja cobaan yang datang berganti
sumpah aku bete banget sama ilyas dan orang2 yang ngeremehin atau nggosipin aku
kenapa sih mereka kayak gitu?
tuh terutama ilyas. mbok ya sesama anak bimbingan bu ika kan seharusnya saling membantu lha ini malah kayaknya menjatuhkan. well.. let see soon. See who will be the best???

sabar nan..
orang cantik banyak cobaan ( flu berat melanda jg)
orang sabar disayang tuhan. Amin...
semoga ujian skripsiku berjalan lancar. Amin....
semoga aku tidak gugup.. amin
semoga aku tidak dibantai...hehehe. Amiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn

aku pulang ke rumah untuk minta doa orangtua
biasanya doa orang tua manjurrrrrrrrrrrr....

ok.. ok..
lets countdown to " judgement day on 13 jan 1t 13 pm wib "

(stt... ini online pake modem hp smart lho.. lumayan gratis 6 bln. Mw mw mw?) :P

Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Judgement'Scary day' on 13th january!!!


the day is coming!!!!
on 13 january 2009.
Wow... unlucky number? mitosnya..... alah... gak penting!
13 january is also my bad history hehehe.. did u still remember it huney?

Ayo nan... semangat!!!
I can do it
yeah.. hopefully...

wish me luck..
Whis the lecturer do not ask more question
Eniwei.. surabaya always rainn.. It makes me stay in the boarding house.
Unfortunately, i get a flu... huuuu i get judgement syndrome.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy Nu Year 2009!!

New Year Myspace Comments

New Year Myspace Comments

New Year Myspace Comments

New Year Myspace Comments

Hai friends......

Met taon baru yah..

semoga tahun ini kita menjadi manusia yang berguna untuk diri sendiri maupun orang lain dan menjadi lebih baik
