Monday, December 14, 2009

Marriage?? Aq kapan ya...

I' got many wedding invitation from my friends until end of december.. from my junior, senior high school untill college friends.
talking about marriage.. hohoho.. make me think alot.. many questions on my mind
" When will I marriage?"
" Who I will marriage with ?"
" Who is my true love? "
" Where is the place i want to be marriage is ?"
" if i find my true love, is he really love me?"
and bla..bla..bla...

( @ dian n anjar wedding 5/12/2009)

on the other side... that questions also asked by my parents, family and grandma hahaha... *sigh* OMG... am I should get marrige as soon as possible? I would... but am I ready yet for it? ok,, many people said that in my-25-years old- i- must- ready- to- marriage. what? 25? MG, less for ayear?? Hmm how I can marriage, if until now i still single? hahaha... Damn. Actually.. I have someone that always think him.. hohoho... who is he? nope, i would not tell you now. I still give'em some test and clear my feelin that he is the right man. Hope that... i can find the answer. Take it easy laaa...Amien... ^^

@ my senir high scool friends,
Doni satriya n Seruni weddings 12/12/2009


  1. itu juga yang saat ini terfikir diotakku...yach mungkin belom ketemu aja jodohnya.buat kamu tetep semangat ya non....keep smile....ingat "jodoh udah ada yang ngatur koq"

  2. wah..ada fotoQ mejeng disini...hihihihihi

    hmm,,,jgn khawatir Bu,,,jodoh ibarat rejeki,,,& rejeki itu tersebar dimana-mana,,,tugas qta hanya menjemput rejeki itu. berusahalah untuk menjadi wanita yg baik & jgn berhenti. insya Allah Ibu khan bertemu dgn jodoh ibu & dia adalah yg terbaik untuk Ibu dimata Allah.


  3. ode: hehehe ternyata dirimu jg nongol disi de...
    iya aku percaya jodoh gak akan ke mana... amin ya robbal alamain..

    indra: makasih.. smangat bwt kamu !!!


after read this... plase give comment ya!!!