Hai hai hai...
aduhhh maaf yak baru kali ini Nanda muat award yang udah diberikan ma temen2.
Abisnyah aq browsing pake modem pinter.
Slogannya sih: Hebat. Hemat
Lweeeemoooot huhuhu sampe jamuren deh kudu sabar menunggu :(
The 1st Award
Award ini datangnya dari one of my best fren, my bowo mania, Icha
Ohhh Icha... ampunilah temanmu ini yang baru memajang award darimuh
Tugas bagi penerima Award ini:
1. Buat pesan singkat, pokoknya mengenai Indonesia sebagai bukti kecintaan pada negeri ini...
Well.... Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan yang sangat indah.
Sudah harga mati saya cinta Indonesia!!!
2. Bagikan ke-10 teman yang lain...
Wah bingung mw bagiin ke sapa ajah, abisnya kebanyakan dah nerima award sejenis
jadi maaf kalo ada yg nerima dobel hehe..
a. Ode- temen SMA-ku yg lucu dan bijaksana
b. Handika Aditya- Makasih bwt postingan ttg twitter, jd sdikit ngerti deh
c. Willyo Aisyah, temen blogger lama.....lama gak berjumpa, tp sring mengintip blognya yg berguna
d.Tyas, hehe kamu kuberi award juga loh...
e.Sherina Munaf. Suaranya keren...blognyah juga bagus, smoga dgn award ini, sherina jd semangat ngeblog lg kayak kekasih hatinya, Raditya dika hehe
f. Bunga, temen semasa kuliahku ini blog2nya penuh inspiratif. love it...
g-j. Bwt teman2 yang dah blog walking n pernah komen2 aja deh hehe...Berbagi itu indah..
The 2nd Award
Dan award ini ada rule-nya ternyata.. ( again!!!!)
And Here is some rules to join international blogger community:
And Here is some rules to join international blogger community:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above,the rules and questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these rules.
5. Recruit at least seven(7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BloGGiST INFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com/ and leave and the URL of your post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
Questions & the answers:2. Copy the image above,the rules and questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these rules.
5. Recruit at least seven(7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BloGGiST INFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com/ and leave and the URL of your post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
1. The Personal Tagged Me :
Tyas... makasih ya ^^
2. His/her site’s tittle and url:
3. Date when you were tagged:
4. Persons you tagged 7 person: Sekali lagi.. berbagi itu indah
Icha, Mbak Elsa, Anyin, Ninneta, Mbak Nura, Phonank, Next bill gates
wow...postingan yg bagus hehehehe
ReplyDeletekunjungi blog ku ya...happy blogging
halo mbak.... wah sekarang aktif ngeblog yaaaaa........ hehe maap baru bisa berkunjung balik ya mbak
ReplyDeleteAku ambil award nya..
^_^ hihi...yes!dapet lagee
waah,,,selamat ya buat awardnya...
ReplyDeletesalamkenal ya...
deeky: hai.. salam kenal, makasih ya.. sring2 mampir
ReplyDeleteanyin: iya... lagi banyak ide n sekalian membunuh kebosanan akibat pengangguran berkepanjangan :p
tyas: yup yup... seneng deh kalo liat temen juga seneng :)
Riesta: salam kenal juga...
Thanks ya Bu Camat,happy blogging... :)
ReplyDeletetengkyu n congratz ya
ReplyDeletetengkyu yaaaaaa
ReplyDeleteaku dapat..aku dapat...
aku belum mengucapkan terima kasih nih,,
thanks yah..?
maaf baru datang berkunjang,,, eh berkunjung